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How do you test your products?Updated 2 years ago

Yes! Each Papa and Barkley product is tested 4 times throughout the production process and is tested for potency, microbial and pesticides. 

  1. We test our plants for their cannabinoid profile and to ensure they are free of pesticides and microbials. 
  2. During the lipid infusion process. We test a sample of the infusion for potency and microbials and pesticide. When the infusion passes that test, we then move onto blending the extract with other natural ingredients. 
  3. After the infusion process we send a sample of that blend to be tested again to ensure infusion accuracy.
  4. If the infusion blend passes this phase, the products goes on to thee final stage of “California State” testing. In this process, our products go through the multifaceted testing implemented by the state of California. Once we get state approval, our products are then ready for distribution.
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